Why is City Hall Elopement?
There are many advantages to tying the knot in City Hall. We get a lot of couples from outside NYC marrying in City Hall because its simplicity means they can easily combine their wedding with an exciting honeymoon in the Big Apple. We’ve even photographed a few cheeky elopements in City Hall!
City Hall weddings are absolutely fuss-free. If a wedding with all the frills sounds like your kind of nightmare, City Hall is definitely for you.

How to register for a wedding in NYC City Hall?
First you’ll have to apply for a marriage license, which costs $35 (you can fill out the paperwork ahead of time online using this link ). Twenty-four hours after you’ve obtained your license, you can return to the marriage bureau to have the ceremony performed, which costs $25.
There are no reservations available, you simply walk in and take a number and wait until you are called.
Wedding Ceremony in
Marriage Bureau – City Clerk’s Office
There is no real need to plan ahead — ceremony times are ticketed so just take a ticket and wait for your number to be called up. Waiting times can be anything from 30 minutes to 2 hours on the busiest days, but you’ll be too busy gazing into your lover’s eyes to care about that!
For the Ceremony you will need:
Valid photo ID (and a passport for international couples)
A witness (photographers count!) over the age of 18 and who have valid photo ID
Water and/or sustenance (there are no food or drink facilities in City Hall)
Professional Photographer and videographer because you want to safe this moment forever and share with all of your friend and family who can’t go there.
Photographer for city hall wedding starts from $500 and Video from $750(Order now)
How to get to Manhattan City Hall (New York City Marriage Bureau)
Manhattan City Hall addres:
141 Worth St, New York, NY 10013, Tel: +1 212-639-9675
The best subway stops for the venue are Brooklyn Bridge/City Hall on the 4/5/6 and Chambers St on the J
Things to Remember
- City Hall hours. Monday through Friday 9am—5pm. Closed on weekends and select holidays. The bureau closes at 3:45 PM, but this actually just means you have to be in the door and past the front desk by that time. As long as you’ve received a number to wait in line, they will get to you.
- There is a metal detector and screening on the entrance, so don’t take anything that will cause a problem.
- Remember to hire the photographer for your wedding
- You can order flowers ahead of time and we will deliver it to you, or you have an option to buy it at the entrance, but there is no guarantee it will be there.
- The ceremony is very quick and they aren let you make you wedding vows.(What do to if I want say vows)