How we met. Everyone always said meeting the man of your dreams will happen when you least expect it, well they’re right. It all started one day when I saw this very handsome fella liking all my Instagram pics. I immediately started liking his back.
Next thing I know I had about 20 likes. I noticed on his Instagram bio that he had a Facebook. I thought to myself, “how could I not message him?” I gathered all my strength and sent a message starting with “Hey, what’s up?” Who would’ve known those three small words years later would make me the happiest person alive.
We talked on the phone and FaceTime for about a month until he finally came to visit me. He lived in Maryland and I lived in New York. I’ll never forget the feeling I had when I saw him walking up to my door. First I thought, damn he’s hot, second I thought I hope he thinks I’m hot also. after just sitting there and talking for hours I realized this is someone who I can definitely see myself with. Little did I know four years later he would be my fiancé and we would be planning the wedding of our dreams. This really goes to show you when you least expect love it has a way of sneaking in, and when it does don’t let it go.

How he asked.
I was never one for the sentimental cliche proposal. I never thought it would happen to me, however when it did I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. It all started on a beautiful Friday morning. My boyfriend at the time (now fiancé) said he had tickets to see a private screening of a movie of his choice. As we were going to the theater I was thinking to myself how nice would it be if he proposed. As we walk into the theater I realized I guess it’s not gonna happen. I leaned over to him and said you know it would’ve been really cute if you propose today. He responded don’t give me that much credit. I then was texting my friend as the LEGO Ninja trailer played in the background. All of a sudden I heard a very loud and familiar voice. I looked up and I saw my fiancé, Devin, on the screen in his very own movie trailer. I don’t even know how to explain what I felt. It was like an out of body experience. To know that he went above and beyond and did all this just to ask me to be his husband was the most incredible thing that has ever happened to me. Two girls that were sitting in front of us all of a sudden turned around and started to film me, they were part of the whole gag. Then two other photographers who Devin planned to be there also turned around and started filming us. I remember just sitting there thinking to myself this can’t be real, I can’t be lucky enough to have the man of my dreams do a dream proposal.
This will always be one of the best days of my life if not thee best day. To finally start this beautiful journey with my fiancé is feeling that nothing else can compare to. I would’ve been happy getting engaged laying on the couch watching TV, but knowing he went above and beyond and did this all for me to make a one-of-a-kind proposal means the world to me.

Antique Car + Private Rooftop Proposal
Travel around the city like a celebrity. Your chauffeur drives you to the popular city landmarks in New York such as Central Park, the Empire State Building, Brooklyn Bridge, Wall Street. Or you chose your own destination. Upon booking, you and your Planner choose the best proposal location where our secret photographer and majestic decorations will be waiting for you.
Price: $3,265